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You always wanted to start singing or improving your voice, but there was never time for that? The right time has finally come!


  • No travel and spending on transportation
  • Singing online – at home
  • Singing for anyone – it doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an advanced singer
  • Teaching singing in different languages
  • We will teach you to accompany you on musical instruments
  • We’ll show you how to take care of your voice
  • We will tell you various tricks on how to work on your scope
  • We will give you feedback on the songs you sing yourself
  • We will teach you how to deal with fear

"Talent is not enough for success, you need to always work on yourself and go to the maximum."

Frequently Asked Questions

Know why I want to sing.
Learning to perceive the body as a musical instrument.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
Cultivate discipline.

When you begin to learn to recognize your voice, you only need to hear and perceive yourself at that moment. I often meet students who train according to videos from Youtube, or buy some training material on the Internet. However, these aids are not enough.
According to them, when a student who does not have basic knowledge and there is no one next to him who would give him feedback, he may learn incorrectly and learn bad habits. We will help you with this in your individual singing lessons.

One-to-one teaching is here so that we teachers perceive you, what you are doing right, what your limits are and where you can move at a given moment. We are not here to command you. At the same time, however, we teach you independence and when you leave class, you will be able to practice at home alone.

Yes, everyone can learn to sing.
If someone “doesn’t have a hearing”, as people often say, they simply learn to hear themselves first and move on. At Singing is Fun School, practicing ear attention is part of the teaching.

It may be that someone told you as a child that you shouldn’t sing, that you didn’t have to. So you didn’t sing, but suddenly you feel you want to! If you have such or a similar block, it doesn’t matter. Just decide to work on yourself. It is never too late. Many successful singers from abroad have experienced people around them saying, “You better not even sing, it’s awful.” But then they proved how wrong they were. Take a look at Shakira’s story, for example.

You can find the video HERE.

If you can speak, you can sing.
You just need to work on yourself. Pure tones and intonation can be learned, it’s just about the ear. The range can also be shifted and the strength of the voice is simply about muscle control, vocal cord training and the diaphragm. Even the color of the voice can be manipulated!

But it all depends primarily on the student – how hard he is willing to work on himself. Only in the second place comes the teacher, his skill, thoroughness and ability to find a way to teach the thing to you.

Not everyone will sing like Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston or Bruno Mars. But you can be yourself.

This is a common question. And I also answer the question: “How good a singer do you want to be? How successful do you want to be? What do you want to achieve? It’s up to you. “

If you decide to be a professional singer, there will never be a moment when you say to yourself: “Well, I can do everything.” Every professional works on himself constantly, looking for ways to improve his singing, speech, performance, choreography … the way The singer is about continuous improvement.

Technology will make singing easier, but there are other things you need to work on.

We do what we teach ourselves. There is not a day when we do not exercise and find out how far we can move.

If you say that 1 hour of singing a week is enough, we must disappoint you. That’s really little.

In order for your body and vocal cords to work with you in complete unity when you need them most – for example on stage during your performance – it is necessary to have mastered the so-called muscle memory, ear memory and body memory. Then you will really relax on stage, your body and voice will be in harmony and you can enjoy that great moment of glory.

We therefore recommend exercising every day, at least for a while. Thanks to this, you will get used to your sound, voice, your own body and you will stretch your vocal cords.

It depends on what fear it is, but no worries – everything can be overcome and everything can be worked with. Do you know each other?
I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake.
I’m terrified when a lot of people are watching me.
I’m afraid I’m not a good enough singer.
I’m afraid I’m not singing it.
I’m afraid someone will be better on stage.
I’m afraid I won’t be well.
I’m afraid I won’t hear.

Fear is an emotion that needs to be worked with. The singing technique will only partially help. Perhaps everyone who has ever sung elsewhere than in front of a mirror, with a comb in his hand or in the shower, has ever experienced at least one type of fear, which we have mentioned above. Together we will identify fear and work with it. Part of the teaching at Singing is Fun is training to break down fear using tried and tested exercises and techniques.

We focuse on much more than just the singing technique. We work with you on planning, self-control, confidence, motivation and results.
Budete schopní na sobě pracovat i doma, protože nejen, že vás naučíme JAK na sobě pracovat efektivně i doma, ale pomůžeme vám si ujasnit vaše PROČ.

Díky SIF profesně navštívíte i nahrávací studio, budete mít možnost se účastnit workshopů, dostanete se k zajímavým pěveckým nabídkám a zazpíváte si s kapelou na akcích školy SIF. 

Netvrdíme, že zpívání není dřina. Je to dřina. Ale společně si věci nastavíme tak, aby to na hodinách zároveň byla i FUN.

Every student gets what they are looking for.
Classes are prepared according to the individual needs of the student.

References from students can be found HERE.

We are in favor of the fact that there is no single standard. Every singer is unique. They are interested in different musical genres, they have different levels, natures, habits, time possibilities, voices, goals, learning speed and, last but not least, everyone has different ambitions.

Therefore, each student, with the help of his teacher, chooses his path and develops according to where he wants to go. And it works. All students thus achieve their results.

What did our students write about us?

"I definitely got to Beego thanks to my fate. I thought that after 11 years of singing studies, 12 years of living with music and singing with many bands and a full-time ZUŠ (as a singing and piano teacher), nothing could surprise me anymore. Even at the first lesson, Beego gave me so much with her attitude, precision and infectious positive energy that I immediately subscribed to 10 lessons - even though there isn't much time for lessons despite all my activities, but it's worth it to !! 🙂 My wish was to expand the vocal range and get me out of my comfort zone, which Beego does 200%. It "tortures" me for an hour, but in the end it all turns out well, we clap ourselves and I happily go home full of not only positive energy, but also new knowledge and the will to fulfill my (not only) musical dreams. I'm very happy to have met Beego - not only as a singing teacher, but mainly as a person. P.S. It should come as no surprise that Beego is the only one who has "forced" me to practice in the last 17 years of my singing. "
Lucie Víšková
"I've always admired the musicians, dreamily watching the singers stand on stage and have the huge gift of singing. I've been playing with the idea of ​​learning to sing since a boy told me it really worked. I thought it was something that you either have in you or not, which after a few hours with Beego I realized was bullshit. I didn't start earlier, I'm even happier that it was a hit, because I would hardly find a better teacher - someone who has a personal approach to each student is seldom found. when I felt like I didn't have it, there was a nice Beego who never allowed me to believe such an idea, it's sometimes hard to believe in yourself, but when someone as convincing as Beego believes in you, you it just kicks in the right direction.Thank you, dear Beego, for being Your student. "
Andrea Kalousová
"When I decided that I enjoyed singing enough, I started looking for a teacher. I took 2 probationary classes with other teachers. One of them seemed inexperienced, he praised me for the whole lesson and I felt that I would not move far with him. The second teacher was super expensive compared to SIF and, moreover, she seemed quite uninitiative when I asked if she would introduce me to any other musicians, I didn't have to ask Beego 🙂 The clock with Beego is great. I feel an improvement after a few hours, although I'm still far from happy with it. Thanks to the mirror technique, I can see for myself during exercise at home what is right and what is not. I have a precise plan and specific homework that makes me feel better and more confident after each week. It takes a lot of work and I need to devote more time to it, but the SIF class convinced me that I can really be a great singer if I work on myself. I recommend. "
Jakub Kinlovič





Singing lessons STARTER

60 MIN.
  • 4 LESSONS - 165 EUR
  • 8 LESSONS - 315 EUR
  • 12 LESSONS - 444 EUR

Singing lessons MASTER

60 MIN.
  • 4 LESSONS - 215 EUR
  • 8 LESSONS - 390 EUR
  • 12 LESSONS - 550 EUR

We offer to issue a gift voucher.



We are a team of active artists who share their experience and know-how with others. We try to help singers with the most common challenges they often encounter. We work with advanced singers who make a living from music, but also with complete beginners.

We have many years of experience with learning, the only thing that has changed at the moment is that due to the current situation, we do not teach in the Prague branches, but we have moved ONLINE.

If you are looking for a mentor on your way to singing – write to us! We will get back to you, send free dates and choose a lecturer who will meet your requirements. And here we go!


Singer, Lecturer, Founder of the school Singing is fun

  • Rock Opera in Prague starring Romeo and Juliet
  • Host of the Prague Open Mic project
  • Founder of Singing is a fun school
  • More than 1000 concerts in the Czech Republic and abroad
  • She has collaborated on projects of other bands
  • Judge in Karlovarský Hlas 2019
  • Wrote about us– Glanc,,
  • Dance and acting training
  • Cooperation with foreign producers
  • Own creation – YOUTUBE CHANNEL
  • frontwoman Dirty Blondes, Madonna revival

Beego Shea is a well-known energetic frontwoman originally from Slovakia. Despite the fact that she has lived in Prague for more than ten years and feels at home here, her Slovak temperamental blood will not be denied. In 2012, she founded the Singing is fun singing school in Prague, which offers singing lessons to both beginners and professionals.

During her many years on the music scene, she touched on several genres, but the most important one for her was Rock. He already has more than 1,000 concerts in the Czech Republic and abroad – in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France. In 2015, it touched more mainstream waters, where it collaborated with Slovak producer Martin Šrámek and Celeste Buckingham. In the Czech Republic, in 2018, she released her first Slovak single under the Wisemusic agency. Until then, Beego sang only in English.

Beego is the host of the Prague Open Mic project, which has been celebrating success since 2015. You can also find her starring Romeo and Juliet at the Prague Rock Opera, alongside personalities such as Kamil Střihavka, Pavla Forest and Viktor Dyk.

Her motto is: “Talent is not enough to succeed, you need to always work on yourself and go to the maximum.”

We are looking for reinforcements for the team

We are looking for music enthusiasts who have experience in teaching singing. Join a young start-up and earn extra money from what you enjoy.